Dual Degree PhD

The CMU Portugal Program offers top dual degree Ph.D. programs in selected cutting-edge areas of ICT.

Doctoral students conduct their studies both in Portugal and in the United States, and are co-advised by faculty from Carnegie Mellon University and from Portuguese partner higher education institutions. Graduates of the program receive dual degrees conferred by Carnegie Mellon and by the affiliated Portuguese University.

The expected duration of the program is five years (full-time). Scholarships are available to qualified candidates. These scholarships award a monthly stipend and cover tuition fees in Portugal and at CMU.  By enrolling in a dual degree program, students experience the advantages of collaborative research between top-tier research institutions. The program’s high scientific standards serve to educate high-quality researchers, instructors, and innovators in ICT related areas.

Below is a list of the doctoral programs currently available under the CMU Portugal Program with an overview and description of each.

Admissions and Scholarships – Applications are closed

To apply, visit the Admissions and Scholarships page. For more information please contact us at apply[at]cmuportugal.org

All CMU Portugal  doctoral programs offer students the opportunity to spend 3 years studying in a Portuguese University and 2 years at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, completing a dual degree diploma. 

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