
The CMU Portugal collaboration is based on a contractual arrangement between CMU and the Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation (FCT).

The program’s governance structure begins with the Board of Directors, who are responsible for policy oversight, approval of the annual plan and budget allocation for any proposed activities. An external review committee (ERC) shall review the specified objectives and may suggest changes. The Board of Directors, ERC, Program directors, scientific directors and the coordination office all work in conjunction as a unified body of leaders and manager to ensure that the program works effectively.

The Board of Directors comprises the following four members:

– The President of the FCT or his/her designee (who shall chair the Board)
– A representative of the Portuguese University partner institutions participating in
– The CMU Portugal Program or his/her designee, designated by the FCT
– The President of CMU or his/her designee, and the Dean of CMU’s College of Engineering or his/her designee.

In addition, one or more representative(s) of the main Industrial and Institutional Affiliates, may also be members of the Board. The Program Directors in Portugal and at CMU are non-voting members of the Board of Directors.

The ERC’s duties shall consist of reviewing the CMU Portugal Program’s programs (i.e., substantive scientific auditing and independent evaluation of the programs and the activities carried out and producing an evaluation report to the FCT and to the ICTI Board of Directors) and in connection therewith, may suggest specific changes.
The ERC is comprised of four members who shall be independent members from the international scientific community (none of whom employed by FCT or CMU), and is appointed by and in the sole discretion of the FCT.

Board of Directors

Helena Pereira

President of the Board of Directors
President, Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT)

Paulo Jorge Ferreira

Rector, University of Aveiro
Representative of Council of Portuguese Rectors (CRUP)

James H. Garrett

Provost, Carnegie Mellon University

Jonathan Cagan

Interin Dean, Carnegie Mellon University College Of Engineering

Rogério Carapuça

President, Portuguese Association for Development of Communications (APDC)
Representative of Industry

External Review Committee

The External Review Committee is annually appointed by the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT). This committee reviews the yearly activities implemented by ICTI and the Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program in general; it has an advisory role oriented towards the independent evaluation of the activities of ICTI and the Carnegie Mellon-Portugal Program.

Professor Sir John O'Reilly (Chairman)

University College London, United Kingdom

Chairman, SERC, A*STAR, Singapore

John Guttag

Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Fernando Pereira

VP and Engineering Fellow at Google

Ali Sayed

Dean of Engineering, EPFL School of Engineering

Giulio Sandini

Senior Researcher, Founding Director, Italian Institute of Technology.

Yvonne Rogers

Professor and Director, Centre of Excellence in Human-Computer Interaction, University College London

Program Directors

Nuno Nunes

National Director at Portugal of the Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program

Rodrigo Rodrigues

National Director at Portugal of the Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program

José M. F. Moura

Director at CMU of the Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program

Scientific Directors

Joana Mendonça

Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa

Fernando Velez

Instituto de Telecomunicações & Universidade da Beira interior

João Paulo Cunha

Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto

Luís Filipe Antunes

Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto

Luís Caires

Faculdade de Ciência e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa

Paulo Marques

CTO of Feedzai

Rui Maranhão

Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa

Susana Sargento

Universidade de Aveiro

Coordination Office​

Portugal office

Sílvia Castro

Executive Director

João Fumega

Education Officer

Mariana Carmo

Communications and Events Officer

Carnegie Mellon office

Megan  Flohr

Associate Director

Maya Colacito

Administrative Coordinator

Mary Adelson

Administrative Coordinator