Job opportunities

On this webpage you will be able to find job opportunities opened by the CMU Portugal Program or by its Partners that are relevant to the Program’s Community.

Open calls

At the moment there are no open calls.

Previous calls (closed)

Research fellowship (BI) in Ergonomics, Psychology or Sports Science 

A Call for one Research fellowship with Masters Degree (Bolsa de BI, Mestre) is open at Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute (M-ITI) in the context of the project “FeedBot – A symbiotic autonomous robot for meal assistance to motion­ impaired people,” project reference CMU/ECE/0005/2017 funded by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT- under the Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program – 2017)

Company/Institution: Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute 
Duration: Temporary
Application deadline: October 15th 2018

Research Grant for MSC in the Project eCSAAP – Human Computer Interaction

The candidate will integrate the research team of project eCSAAP. The candidate will be responsible for the specification and development of a prototype of a specialized crowdsourcing framework, supporting the tests and evaluation provided in the scope of the project. The work will be developed at INESC TEC at the pole of the University of Tras-os-Montes and Alto Douro (UTAD) in Vila Real. The candidate should be available for a short-term stay (1 month) at CMU during the 12 months period.

Company/Institution: INESC TEC – Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores, Tecnologia e Ciência
Duration: from 2018-10-15 to 2019-01-14 (3) – Eventually renewable until the project conclusion or budget.
Application deadline: October 10th 2018

1 BI-M is now available in the project ref. CMUP-ERI/HCI/0051/2013, funded by FCT/MEC through national funds (PIDDAC) – Engineering 

The project INSIDE is a collaboration between Carnegie Mellon University, INESC-ID, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Hospital Garcia de Orta, and three Portuguese companies (IDMind, VoiceInteraction and Plux). It addresses symbiotic human-robot interaction in the context of therapy of children with ASD. The grantees are expected to contribute to the deployment stage of the INSIDE infrastructure, namely in terms of: Deployment of animation behaviors in the mobile robot used in the project; Deployment of high-level interaction behaviors that allow the robot to react to the actions of the human user (child).

Company/Institution: Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores, Investigação e Desenvolvimento (INESC-ID)
Duration: The grant starts on 08/10/2018 and ends 31/12/2018, and can be renewed upon availability of funding (renewal is subject to suitable performance).
Application deadline: October 4th 2018

Web developer

For the 3rd phase of the CMU Portugal Program the objective is to create a new and up to date website that will allow the Program to communicate clearly the new institutional image of CMU Portugal, together with the new activities and initiatives that are expected to take place. The fellowship holder should be able to produce, configure, and/or maintain a content management system and an email service with the requirements of performance, security, availability, and ease of use.

Company/Institution: INESC-ID under the project CMU Portugal funded by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia
Duration: 12 months starting on April 23rd 2018. The grant may be renewed within the period of the project, not exceeding the maximum period set by FCT for such grants. Renewal is subject to suitable performance
Application dates: March 19th to March 30th 2018

Graphic designer

For the 3rd phase of the CMU Portugal Program the objective is to create a new and up to date Institutional Identity. The fellowship holder should be able to develop and implement a proposal for the new CMU Portugal logotype and visual devices, such as a new stationery (Letterhead + business card + envelopes, etc.), marketing collaterals (Flyers, brochures, posters, etc), online materials (banners, adds, etc..) and other visual elements to support the new image of the CMU Portugal program.

Company/Institution: INESC-ID under the project CMU Portugal funded by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia
Duration: 12 months starting on April 23rd 2018. The grant may be renewed within the period of the project, not exceeding the maximum period set by FCT for such grants. Renewal is subject to suitable performance
Application dates: March 19th to March 30th 2018