Master of Science in Information Networking (MSIN)

This Master program is no longer active. 

The Information Networking Institute offers the Masters of Science in Information Networking program in Aveiro, Portugal in collaboration with the University of Aveiro and the Instituto de Telecomunicações.

The MSIN is an intensive, full-time, 16-month graduate program that gives students an advanced foundation by introducing them to management, strategic thinking, and policy, with the opportunity to study each of these areas in greater depth through electives. MSIN students are well-prepared to pursue leadership, technical, and managerial positions in a variety of sectors and industries.

The accelerating development in the field of information technology and information networking demands new and creative leadership. The MSIN program gives students the opportunity to fill this need; the program builds on students’ backgrounds to provide a broadened perspective and tactical expertise now required for today’s information leaders.

An example of the creativity behind the MSIN degree is that courses are taught using a hybrid education format. This combines locally taught courses from the University of Aveiro with courses taught from Carnegie Mellon via video-conferencing technologies.