Nuno Nunes

Nuno Nunes

National Codirector of the CMU Portugal Program

Nuno Jardim Nunes, is a Full professor at Instituto Superior Técnico and the President of the Interactive Technologies Institute (ITI) a research unit part of the LARSYS Associated Laboratory. He’s also adjunct faculty at the Human-Computer Interaction Institute at Carnegie Mellon University. Nuno was the main proponent of the Bauhaus of the Seas vision and is currently leading the Bauhaus of the Sea Sailsa €5 million project selected under the call for the development of ‘lighthouse demonstrators‘ of the New European Bauhaus (NEB) by the European Commission.

Session time: 09/11/2022 4:00 pm

Keynote II – Gil Azevedo

Session time: 09/11/2022 4:30 pm
Closing remarks day 1