Large-scale collaborative research projects

The Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program Large-scale collaborative research projects are co-promotion projects led by national companies and carried out in partnership between companies and non-corporate entities of the R&D System and research groups at Carnegie Mellon. These projects will be funded through the System of Incentives for Research and Technological Development Call (Sistema de Incentivos à Investigação e Desenvolvimento Tecnológico – Aviso N.º 04/SI/2019) launched in March 13th of 2019 by Compete 2020.


Objectives and priorities

To promote the internationalization of Portuguese universities, research centers and companies, supported by the experience and organizational culture of US universities, namely Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), under this international partnership.

Eligible projects

Collaborative projects for research and technological development (R&TD) promoted by national companies and carried out in partnership between companies and non-corporate entities of the R&D System (ENESII) to foster industrial research and experimental development activities, leading to the creation of new products and services, processes or systems or the introduction of significant improvements in existing products and/or services.

Geographical Area

NUTS Regions of mainland – North, Center, Lisbon, Alentejo and Algarve.

Research areas

The research area open under the CMU Portugal Program is the broad ICT area, with a preferential focus on:

  • Data Science and Engineering
  • Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Language Technologies, Data Analytics and Cloud Computing
  • Autonomy and Mobility
  • Design in a Variety of Societal Settings and Applications such as tourism, logistics or creative industries.

It is preferable that these projects help to consolidate the intergovernmental “Atlantic Interactions” initiative.

Applications (closed)

The applications will be submitted through the Balcão Portugal 2020 platform.

Applications can be submitted between March 13, 2019 and May 31, 2019 (7:00 PM).    NEW DEADLINE: June 17, 2019 (7:00 PM) 


The total budget available for the Call is 22.8 Million euros, with a minimum available for the CMU Portugal Program of 5M and an estimated budget of 1,25 M€ per project.

For more information, please go to our Research FAQ page.


Up to 36 months

Minimum composition for the consortium

- Leadership of a Portuguese company
- Two entities of the Portuguese R&D system

The participation of at least one CMU principal investigator (Expenses relating to the participation of this researcher are not eligible under this Notice).

Finantial Support

5M up to 6.4M with an estimated budget of 1.25M per project



To apply to the Large-scale collaborative research projects call  visit the Open Call for Projects page. For additional questions, email us at