A continued investment in graduate education through CMU Portugal

The CMU Portugal Program Summit 2022 “New Frontiers in tech” counted with a high participation of CMU Portugal students, with 54 posters submitted, allowing them to present their research work at the Poster Sessions held throughout the Summit. The posters were exhibited during the two-day event at Factory Lisbon rooftop. They were a great way for students to interact with CMU Portugal Community during coffee and lunch breaks. The Exhibit continues even after the end of the meeting with all the posters available online- E-Posters.

The work and the legacy of the CMU Portugal Program in higher education was the discussion topic at the Roundtable “Talent Development”. This session gathered five students and alumnsfrom the Dual Degree and Affiliated Ph.D. Programs, to share with the audience their experience and other useful insights. The discussion was conducted by Bill Sanders, Dean of CMU College of Engineering and João Magalhães, Professor at FCT NOVA.

To represent the Alumni community: Sabina Zejnilovic, CMU Portugal Dual Degree Ph.D. Alumni and Data Scientist at Cloudflare, and Susana Brandão, CMU Portugal Dual Degree Ph.D. Alumni and Expert Data Scientist at Feedzai. As students were part of the panel: Alex Gaudio, CMU Portugal Dual Degree Ph.D. in ECE; Maria Andrada, CMU Portugal Affiliated Ph.D. in Robotics and Rudolph Santarromana, CMU Portugal Dual Degree Ph.D. in EPP.

The discussion was a success, with a large participation from the audience at the Q&A, a great way to show the outcomes of the CMU Portugal Educational Initiatives and the impact that they have on the higher education system in Portugal and at CMU.

Watch the Panel: